Thursday, June 14, 2007

Say What?????

So i finally decided that I need a venting place. These past few weeks have been one big blur of doctor visits, tests, and emotions. I went in to have a minor surgery 2 months ago. I was having a lump removed from my upper lip. It was bothersome and I was worried about skin cancer. The doctor called about a week later with the biopsy results. No cancer but we believe you have something called Sarcoidosis. You will need to see your doctor. EXCUSE ME??????
So I make an appointment immediatly to see my family doctor. Thus began the wirlwind of tests and doctor visits. Blood work and chest x ray confirm the biopsy results of Sarcoidosis.
Fast forward to today. Ive decided not to take the prednisone and see what happens. I'm taking some vitamin supplements, working on following an anti-inflammatory diet, etc. I just got back from having an Aortic Ultrasound done to check for heart problems so Im a little worried about that one.
Problem here is I just dont know how to be positive. I want to crawl into bed and never get out. What made God think that I was the kind of person that could handle this? There are good days and bad days. I have no answers. How did I get this? Will it go away? Will I die from it?
I'm scared. Im confused. I cant think. So I have decided to empty my ramblings here. Maybe it will help the fog in my brain.


Anonymous said...

WOW!! Your pics are great!! I am so jealous of your macro lens!!
Sorry to hear things have been going so crazy for you. Sounds like u need a blasting Summer Vacation.